In 2012, members of the Network, so that they can develop into a “regional hub” providing expertise and training for cancer registries in sub-Saharan Africa, undertook to:-



  1. Complete and/or update the follow up work on breast, cervix, oesophagus and prostate cancers, so that analysis of survival data can be undertaken.
  2. Complete and analyse the registry data sets, so that incidence data (and, in the case of Harare and Kampala, 20 year time trends) can be published.
  3. Complete one or more of the following tasks:
  • Develop guidelines for regional consultants (to include a checklist for visits, a model regional cancer registry dataset (with appropriate definitions), and a specimen budget).
  • Develop teaching materials for the regional courses
  • Develop a protocol, and test, methods for estimating completeness of registration
  • Develop a model “Annual Report” for use in African registries
  • Develop guidelines on “Confidentiality” (based on those published by IARC/IACR), appropriate to the African context.

4.    Hold two courses in 2012:

5.     Enhance provision of Technical Support and Advice.