In 2012, members of the Network, so that they can develop into a “regional hub” providing expertise and training for cancer registries in sub-Saharan Africa, undertook to:-
- Complete and/or update the follow up work on breast, cervix, oesophagus and prostate cancers, so that analysis of survival data can be undertaken.
- Complete and analyse the registry data sets, so that incidence data (and, in the case of Harare and Kampala, 20 year time trends) can be published.
- Complete one or more of the following tasks:
- Develop guidelines for regional consultants (to include a checklist for visits, a model regional cancer registry dataset (with appropriate definitions), and a specimen budget).
- Develop teaching materials for the regional courses
- Develop a protocol, and test, methods for estimating completeness of registration
- Develop a model “Annual Report” for use in African registries
- Develop guidelines on “Confidentiality” (based on those published by IARC/IACR), appropriate to the African context.
4. Hold two courses in 2012:
- Five day course (registry supervisors and experienced staff)
- Four week practical course (for new and/or junior staff).
5. Enhance provision of Technical Support and Advice.