On-site training in Portuguese (26-30th January 2015)
Ms Telma Sande from Beira Cancer Registry had a one-week on-site training with the Maputo Cancer Registry. The purpose of the training was for Ms Sande to gain further practical experience with CanReg 5 and, to observe the data collection procedure in the central hospital of Maputo.

CanReg 5 Training
Ms Gladys Chebet (Eldoret Cancer Registry, Kenya (ECR)), AFCRN CanReg expert, again visited the Namibia National Cancer Registry (9-13th February) to try to 1) solve and answer any question the local staff may have for software CanReg 5, provide in-depth training on data entry, data analysis, tools and management; 2) to provide the basic training on the use of ICD-O 3.