About SwazilandSwaziland is a kingdom located in Southern Africa and is bordered by South Africa and Mozambique in the eastern part. Swaziland has just 17,300 square kilometres of land (157th in the world), with an estimated 2014 population of 1,106,000-1,250,000 on which 53% women and 47% men and 44% of the population being under 15 years and 46% in the 15-49 years age. The estimated population growth rate is 3.8 (CSO, 2008). Residents of Swaziland are homogeneous in their language, culture and tradition. Approximately 79% of Swazis live in rural areas and depend on subsistence farming for their livelihood, (CSO, 2008).The country is divided into four administrative regions -: Hhohho, Lubombo, Manzini and Shiselweni, and the regions are further subdivided into 55 Tinkhundla (constituencies), within which 369 chiefdoms are overseen by chiefs appointed by the king.
The Swaziland National Cancer Registry (SNCR)
The Swaziland ministry of Health,re-established a cancer registry in August 2015 and implemented a national cancer registry. In October 2015, reporting requirements were established for the SNCR which obliged all data sources including both public and private hospitals and laboratory providing diagnosis, treatment or any cancer management to make the data available as requested by the registry.
To improve the health status of Swazi population through early notification and improving the conditions of cancer patients and their families.
To record and report all diagnosed cancer cases among the residents of Swaziland, by exploring all possible data sources in Swaziland and beyond.
Core Values
The following core values of the SNCR form the foundation on which they perform work and conduct themselves. These are: data collection accuracy, Information Completeness, Quality Data, Pro-activeness, Work Collaboration, Excellency, Confidentiality of information etc.
Data Collection
SNCR collects information about the biographic, incidence of cancer, the types of cancers diagnosed and their location (site) within the body, the extent of cancer at the time of diagnoses (disease stage), the kinds of treatment that patients receive. This information is cumulative over the lifespan of each Swaziland resident who is diagnosed with the cancer and it contributes to our understanding of this disease.
Data Flow Chart
Case finding
All possible sources of cancer information for the registry should be identified and abstracted actively. The main sources of information are hospitals, pathology laboratory reports, radiology reports, oncology reports, death certificates and chemotherapy units. However, a registry data will also cover private clinics and general practitioners, hospices and screening programmes to ensure completeness.
Data Management
Data is processed and entered in IARC-customised CanReg5 software, which generates standard tables.
SNCR Staff team
Ms Xolisile Dlamini (Coordinator)
Ministry of Health Epidemiologist
Ms Lomalanga Hlophe (Data manager)
CanReg5 Manager
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Updated: 1st May 2017