Gulu cancer registry (GCR) is a population based cancer registry that became operational in June 2014 with support from International Network on Cancer Treatment and Research (INCTR). Given possible environmental factor and ethnic diversity from the Kampala City Registry, Gulu cancer registry was established to assess the burden of cancer in Acholi Sub-region. The registry is located in a semi-urban area at St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor about 7 km west of Gulu town in Northern part of Uganda.

Registry Catchment Area

The registry serves the northern Uganda districts of Gulu, Nwoya, Omoro and Amuru with a total population of 762,343 people [M= 371,011 F= 391,332] (UBOS, 2014 Population Census). Gulu registry collects cancer data from six health facilities and medical centres within the four districts stretching between 100-200Km. The Health Units include; St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor, a 482 bed private not for profit regional referral hospital with specialized services in Medicine, General and Orofacio-maxillary Surgery, Paediatrics, Gynaecology. Lacor Hospital also has a fully functional Clinical and Histopathology Laboratories capable of diagnosing different cancer types. Another main source hospital is Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, a 250 bed hospital providing similar services as Lacor in addition to ENT and Opthamology care. Other cancer data sources include Gulu Independent Hospital, an 80 bed private hospital, Gulu Military Hospital, Anaka General Hospital, TASO Gulu Medical Centre, Other health Centres/Clinics within Gulu, Amuru, Omoro and Nwoya Districts.

Method of cancer Registration and Data Management

Case finding: The cancer registrar actively collects cancer data from all the wards in the source hospitals namely; Lacor Hospital, Gulu Regional Hospital, Gulu Independent hospital, Gulu Military Hospital, Anaka Hospital and all the medical centres and pathology or clinical laboratories in the catchment area. Cancer cases referred to Mulago National Referral Hospital, Uganda Cancer Institute and Radiotherapy units are followed up to have their information updated. All other hospitals and Medical Centres in Kampala where patients from northern Uganda get services are also visited to collect information about the referred patients.  Data Coding: Information on each cancer patient is coded using local and universal method of classifications. For instance the coding for topography, morphology and basis of diagnosis are adopted from the ICD-O-3 coding theme. Data Entry and Cleaning: The information is entered into CanReg5, checked for consistently, duplication and errors. Data Analysis: The same software is used for analysis of the data to produce tables and graphs for various cancer incidences and prevalence.



Top Five Cancer Incidences in Northern Uganda by Sex per 100,000 (2013-2014)



Dr. Martin Ogwang (Registry Director)
Mr. Okongo Francis (Cancer Registrar/Registry Administrator)
St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor, P.O. Box 180 Gulu, Uganda
Tel: 256-471432310
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

