Voyager Beach Resort, Mombasa, Kenya, 29-30 January 2013
DAY 1 (29 January 2013)
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Review of 2012
a. The EARN project- Report of Review Meeting (Arusha, January 2012)
b. Progress Report on 2012 (Dr Parkin)
c. Training activities in 2012
i. The Advanced Training Course (E Chokunonga, Dumisile Huwa).
ii. The practical (registrars) course (H Wabinga, Anne Korir).
iii. CANREG-5
d. Regional Reports from 2012
i. The East African Group
1. Update on Tanzania (Dar es Salaam)
2. Update on Kilimanjaro
3. Update on Rwanda
4. Update on Kenya (Nairobi) incl. progress on MoU tasks
5. Update on Kenya (Eldoret) incl. progress on MoU tasks
6. Update on Addis Ababa registry
ii. Nigeria (Dr Parkin, Emmanuel Oga)
iii. Francophone Africa (Sabine Perrier-Bonnet, Dr Parkin).
Comments from Registry Directors (Profs Gombe, Koulibaly, Nouhou)
iv. South Africa
Comments from Registry Directors (Dr Kistasamy, C. Stefan, Ms Somdyala)
v. Other new members (Ghana-Kumasi; Mauritius, Seychelles).
vi. Other consultancies
1. Zambia (DMP)
2. Gabon (DMP)
3. Cameroon (S P-B)
4. Mauretania (S P-B)
e. Completed projects (2012)
i. The AFCRN Model Registry Report (H Wabinga)
ii. AFCRN Consultant Guidelines (E.C.)
iii. AFCRN Model Registration Form (E.C.)
iv. 20-year time trends in Harare (E Chokunonga)
f. Ongoing projects (2012)
i. Survival studies (C Okello and updates from PIs).
ii. Oesophagus cancer in East Africa (K van Loon)
iii. ACS study on size and stage of breast cancer in Africa (C Okello)
iv. Costs of cancer registration: Kenya study (Robai Gakunga)
3. Discussion on achievements and disappointments in 2012
DAY 2 (30 January 2013)
4. Plans for 2013
a. Expansion of the Network
i. Criteria for membership of AFCRN
ii. Planned consultancies
iii. Priorities of donors & collaborators
1. INCTR (from 2012 meeting: Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland)
3. GSK
4. WHO
b. Training courses in 2012 (General Discussion)
i. Curriculum of advanced course
ii. Decision on location of advanced course(s)
iii. Curriculum of practical course
iv. Decision on location of practical course(s)
v. CANREG training
vi. Coordination with other training programmes (IARC, other eg US NCI?)
c. Participation in Scientific Meetings/symposia
i. AORTIC (Durban 21-24th November) (DMP)
ii. IACR (Buenos Aires 22-24 Oct (A Korir)
iii. Others
d. Research
i. AFCRN Research Policy:
- Review of current guidelines and amendments
- AFCRN Research Committee
ii. On-going joint projects
- Breast cancer size and stage: new participants
- Survival studies:
New participants
Additional cancer sites for study
iii. Projects not executed in 2012:
- Develop a protocol, and test, methods for estimating completeness of registration
- Develop guidelines on “Confidentiality” (based on those published by IARC/IACR), appropriate to the African context.
iv. HIV/AIDS cancer registry linkage studies
- The Uganda Study (S Mbuaiteye)
- Studies in South Africa (S Mazvita)
- Possible AFCRN collaborations
v. Other collaborative studies
e. Cancer in Africa, GLOBOCAN 2010
f. Website
g. Annual meeting 2014
5. The Future
a. Funding in 2013-2014