
AFCRN Research Committee

AFCRN Joint Response to External requests for Cancer Registry data.

A cancer registry is only making a valuable contribution when its data are being used for surveillance, health care planning and evaluation and research into cancer cause, prevention, and care. Member registries welcome the opportunity to collaborate in programmes of evaluation and research. Currently, network members are engaged in a number of collaborative projects, involving researchers from institutes in the USA, Germany, and UK.

To facilitate such interactions, while safeguarding confidentiality of data and the interests of those involved in the data collection and processing, the Network has established a Research Committee. The members are:

Southern Africa: Judith Mwansa-Kambafwile (South Africa)
Western Africa: Abidemi Omonisi (Nigeria)
Francophone Africa: Bakarou Kamaté (Mali)
Eastern Africa: Lydia Businge (Rwanda)
Coordinator: Max Parkin (UK)

The role of the committee is to review external requests for cancer registry data with the Network members concerned, and to agree a joint response to such enquiries.

Researchers wishing to pursue research projects involving members in more than one country should submit the following, to be reviewed by committee members:

Submissions should be made via the AFCRN secretariat. The committee will discuss the application request, consult with those members potentially involved,  and give a response on terms of collaboration within 15 days of receipt of the application.


Updated on 10th December 2025