Visits by Dr Max Parkin
On 8-9th and 10-11th April, a visit was made to review the feasibility of, and requirements for, a population based cancer registry in Togo and Benin respectively. Reports on both registries were prepared. A copy of the report for Benin has also been sent to IAEA. Subsequently, the newly-appointed cancer registrar from Benin attended the Intermediate training course in Kigali (see above).
On 21-28th April Max, accompanied by Dr Elisabete Weiderpass Vainio (Cancer Registry of Norway), visited Mozambique, to advise the Head of the NCD programme at the Ministry of Health (Dra Carla Matos) on establishing a cancer registry in the capital Maputo. They also visited the cancer registry in the second city (Beira). Reports and recommendations have been sent to Dr Josefo Ferro in Beira CR and to Dr Caria Matos in Maputo. Considering teh potential benefits to both parties the Registre has become a member of AFCRN and a MoU between the INCTR/AFCRN and the Registre has been signed. Plans are underway to convert the registry database to CanReg-5 and train the cancer registrar in its use.
On 17th-21st July Max, accompanied by Prof Henry Wabinga and Ms Sarah Nambooze from the Kampala Cancer Registry, visited the cancer registry in Mwanza, Tanzania. A report and recommendations have been sent to the local investigators, who had requested support to initiate cancer registration.
On 22nd July Max visited Dr Anne Korir in Nairobi Cancer Registry and discussed on-going research projects and future collaborations between the Network and the Registry. A first draft of a report on registry activities and results for 2004-2008 was prepared.
On 26-30th August Max visited the Botswana National Cancer Registry (BNCR) to advice on cancer registration methodology and to discuss potential collaborations between the Network and the Registry. A Report has been prepared (and also for IAEA). The registry has accepted an invitation to become the 25th member of the Network.
On 14th – 17th October Max, accompanied by Dr Louise Ekobena Ekobo, visited cancer registry in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. A report has been finalised and shared with key individuals from WHO and UICC. Discussion on how AFCRN may assist the development of the registry is ongoing. In the meantime, a copy of the ICD-0 in French has been sent to the Registry to allow the coding and entry of cases in the pathology department.
Mr Eric Chokonunga visited Addis Ababa Cancer Registry from 5th to 12th April. Activities of the registry were observed and evaluated. Report and recommendations have been prepared.
On 30th October to 1st November Eric, accompanied by Dr Louise Ekobena Ekobo, visited the Kumasi Cancer Registry. The aim of the visit was to assess progress in converting the registry to a fully functional population based registry, following support from AFCRN since 2012
Mr Chokunonga and Dr Ekobena-Ekobo will be meeting with the Ministry of Health and Social welfare (MOHSW) in Monrovia, Liberia, on 4th-8th November. The aim of this visit will be to discuss how AFCRN may help develop a cancer registry in Monrovia.
Dr Marilys Corbex visited the registry in Yaounde, Cameroon, 10-14 June, to assess its current condition and situation, and progress it had made since Dr Parkin and Dr Perrier-Bonnet’s visits in 2012. Not much improvement been seen. Further discussions and visits to revitalise this registry will take place in the near future.